Thursday, May 7, 2009

adventures with linus & crina

this week has been an excellent week so far. busy but definitely excellent! christina and logan came to visit. we had a great night of playing, a disappointing trip to kalona, but then a good trip to kalona on wednesday! we'll definitely always remember that everything is closed on Tuesdays. what a weird day to be closed! here are some pix of our adventures.
my purchases at kalona!

crina & i

the only picture of them both looking at the camera! haha!


  1. I could have told you Stringtown is closed on Tuesdays!! That's funny though, Aaron and Emily both had the day off Tues and they went to Kalona (cheese house) too :)

  2. and I'm actually headed to the cheese house today! I have to buy the obligatory curds for our trip to Chicago. Did you know that most of the curds they make there are pressed and sold to Kraft? See, I learned something from blogging!!

  3. i think its awesome that we both took pictures of our purchases!!
